Step 3 - Configuring PGD repositories v5

Configuring PGD repositories

To install and run PGD requires that you configure repositories so that the system can download and install the appropriate packages.

The following operations should be carried out on each host. For the purposes of this exercise, each host will be a standard data node, but the procedure would be the same for other node types such as witness or subscriber-only nodes.

  • Use your EDB account.

  • Set environment variables.

    • Set the EDB_SUBSCRIPTION_TOKEN environment variable to the repository token:

      export EDB_SUBSCRIPTION_TOKEN=<your-repo-token>
  • Configure the repository.

    • Run the automated installer to install the repositories:

      Red Hat
      curl -1sLf "$EDB_SUBSCRIPTION_TOKEN/postgres_distributed/" | sudo -E bash
      curl -1sLf "$EDB_SUBSCRIPTION_TOKEN/postgres_distributed/" | sudo -E bash

Worked example

Use your EDB account

You'll need an EDB account to install Postgres Distributed.

Use your EDB account to sign in to the EDB Repos 2.0 page, where you can obtain your repo token.

On your first visit to this page, select Request Access to generate your repo token.

EDB Repos 2.0

Copy the token to your clipboard using the Copy Token button and store it safely.

Set environment variables

Set the EDB_SUBSCRIPTION_TOKEN environment variable to the value of your EDB repo token, obtained in the EDB account step.

export EDB_SUBSCRIPTION_TOKEN=<your-repo-token>

You can add this to your .bashrc script or similar shell profile to ensure it's always set.


Your preferred platform may support storing this variable as a secret which can appear as an environment variable. If this is the case, don't add the setting to .bashrc and instead add it to your platform's secret manager.

Configure the repository

All the software you need is available from the EDB Postgres Distributed package repository. You have the option to simply download and run a script to configure the EDB Postgres Distributed repository. You can also download, inspect and then run that same script. The following instructions also include the essential steps that the scripts take for any user wanting to manually run, or automate, the installation process.

RHEL/Other RHEL-based

You can autoinstall with automated OS detection

curl -1sLf "$EDB_SUBSCRIPTION_TOKEN/postgres_distributed/" | sudo -E bash

If you wish to inspect the script that is generated for you run:

curl -1sLfO "$EDB_SUBSCRIPTION_TOKEN/postgres_distributed/"

Then inspect the resulting file. When you are happy to proceed, run:

sudo -E bash

If you want to perform all steps manually or use your own preferred deployment mechanism, you can use the following example as a guide:

You will need to pass details of your Linux distribution and version. You may need to change the codename to match the version of RHEL you are using. Here we set it for RHEL compatible Linux version 9:

export DISTRO="el"
export CODENAME="9"

Now install the yum-utils package:

sudo dnf install -y yum-utils 

The next step will import a GPG key for the repositories:

sudo rpm --import "$EDB_SUBSCRIPTION_TOKEN/postgres_distributed/gpg.B09F406230DA0084.key"

Now, we can import the repository details, add them to the local configuration and enable the repository.

curl -1sLf "$EDB_SUBSCRIPTION_TOKEN/postgres_distributed/config.rpm.txt?distro=$DISTRO&codename=$CODENAME" > /tmp/enterprise.repo
sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo '/tmp/enterprise.repo'
sudo dnf -q makecache -y --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo='enterprisedb-postgres_distributed'